Sunday, November 5, 2017

Aquinnah's Foundations News

"The First Human (Evolution Documentary)|Timeline." Youtube, uploaded by
     Timeline, 16 Aug. 2017,
     watch?v=vJybfmbrOCE&scrlybrkr=77267d74. Accessed 4 Nov. 2017.

The video, "The First Human (Evolution Documentary) is mainly about the discovery of the Orrorin Genesis, which was known as the one of the missing links between current humans and primates. In Kenya in the year 2000, archaeologists discovered human teeth in a stream. Two weeks later, they had discovered more bones which Japanese scientists dated back to 6 million years ago. They called this millennium man Orrorin Genesis. Earlier, Australopithecus afarensis (Lucy) was found, which was considered the missing link between modern homo sapiens and our ancestors. Orrorin was considered an even bigger discovery than that. After the date of Orrorin was found, scientists needed to prove that it was a human ancestor. The way they did that was by looking at the knee, which helped prove if Orrorin was a bipedal animal, which is a distinguishing factor in homo sapiens. They found a thicker bone on the underside of the neck, proving that Orrorin was indeed a bipedal animal. Because Orrorin walked on two feet, it had the advantages of natural instability, agility, and access to their hands at anytime, which allowed this species to prosper and continue to grow for 6 million years. This video was related to our class because we learned about the big eras, and the life of this species was one of the earlier eras. Also, we learned about the significance of Lucy in class, and Orrorin is similar in that the discovery of both skeletons changed the course of history for mankind. 

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